Depositions are part of the discovery process in the court of the. Depositions consist of having a sworn out-of-court oral testimony that will be used later in that discovery process. Typically depositions are conducted out of a courtroom with lawyers present. Judges are not there to examine depositions, and they are used in litigation. Overall depositions are pretty much an examination before the trail. Depositions can be taken at the office in a courtroom, or even at a witness’s workplace. Any party on either side has the right to be present at a deposition to ask specific questions related to the lawsuit. Court reporters before the deposition administer an oath similar to the one that would be given before speaking in a courtroom. Depositions are a question and answer session that is given under the oath. During a deposition, you can record and document events that occurred related to the case. This is to ensure that everything you say is legally binding. It will not look good for you if you or found to be lying, or if you change your story during the trial. Evidence is recorded and studied during this time in order to try to reach a settlement.
Lawyers often are present to record the meeting. Usually, only the defendant, plaintiff, and each party’s lawyers can be present. Lawyers will often ask questions related to witnesses and will have a long list of questions prepared. Depositions can be used to invalidate you during court if you are presenting lies and timelines that don’t seem to be matching up with the evidence collected for the case. You should always meet with your car accident lawyer before a deposition if you even are involved in an accident that results in a lawsuit. Zappitell Law Firm specializes in motor vehicle accidents and has car accident lawyers that have handled hundreds of depositions together. Motor Vehicle accidents can have catastrophic and devastating repercussions, and Florida has some of the most dangerous roads and drivers in the country. At The Zappitell Law Firm, They’ve spent three decades representing thousands of victims, injured due to someone else’s negligence. You should contact them to speak with their lawyers for car accidents and potential depositions if you need a car accident lawyer.
Potential Questions Asked
- What was your health condition before and after the crash?
- What medical care did you receive as a result of the crash. You will help to explain treatments and diagnosis that were given to you by your doctor
- General personal information such as your name and date of birth.
- How has the car accident impacted your lifestyle? Are you able to function just as you were prior to the crash?
- How did the car accident occur? Explain the events that lead up to the car accident? What did you do after the car accident?
- What information did you give out after the crash? This is important because lawyers will need this to ensure your stories have been adding up since the crash.