Most Dangerous Streets In Boynton Beach
Why Accident Prone Intersections Are Typically at Shopping Centers Boynton Beach is a vibrant, fast-growing city just north of Delray Beach. Known for its beautiful beaches, parks, and scenic attractions, the city also has a growing reputation for being a dangerous place to drive due to its busy intersections, high-trafficked streets, and fast-moving parking lots.
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Consider a Delray Beach Accident Lawyer if You Get Into a Crash in Town
For any Delray Beach resident, getting into a car wreck can be an extremely stressful and traumatic experience. It can also be difficult to get back on the road to recovery. Even if you are not injured in the accident, you may still suffer from emotional trauma. This can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. If
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Wrongful Death Accidents in the Delray Beach Area
Accidental wrongful death fatalities have a devastating emotional impact on families and cause incalculable grief. Car accidents are the # 1 cause of wrongful deaths in our area. Many recent deadly accidents in Delray Beach have occurred on local roads, especially Linton Blvd. and Federal Highway. I-95 has also been a source of fatalities in
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Who Is Responsible for a Wrongful Death Accident Lawsuit in Florida?
Who Is Responsible for a Wrongful Death Accident Lawsuit in Florida? A wrongful death is a legal term for a case in which someone is killed through the negligence of another or group of others. Wrongful death cases are tragic, heartbreaking, and leave behind a lifetime of family trauma. Recently released estimates detailed that fatalities
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What to Look For in Your Accident Lawyer
What Makes a Good Injury Accident Attorney? Every vehicle accident case is unique in its own way. Our South Florida auto accident attorneys will evaluate your particular situation as soon as possible in order to determine the most appropriate course of action for your case. We will take on the insurance companies, negotiate your medical
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How You Can Protect Yourself against Uninsured Drivers
Almost 25 % of all motorists in Florida are uninsured. This is over twice as high as the national rate at 12%. Several factors are responsible for this sort of fact. Some motorists resent the fact that they are being made to pay. Others are illegal immigrants and so wish to remain under the radar.
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Truck Accident Insight | Truck Driving Risks And Dangers
Industries, consumers, and companies all rely on commercial trucks. However, each time they ply the road—transporting products and services—they pose lots of risks. For example, in recently published stats by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is said that driving is one of the most dangerous careers. In 2016 alone, there were about 918 fatalities
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What Are The Implications Of An Accident With A Fixed Object
No matter the circumstances, being involved in a car accident is a stressful event for any individual. You may know all the proper steps to take when there’s an accident between two cars and people, but what about an accident with a fixed object? What do you do then? Hiring attorneys for car accidents may
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Car Accident Lawyers Go Into Detail About Car Crash Depositions
Depositions are part of the discovery process in the court of the. Depositions consist of having a sworn out-of-court oral testimony that will be used later in that discovery process. Typically depositions are conducted out of a courtroom with lawyers present. Judges are not there to examine depositions, and they are used in litigation. Overall
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An Accident Lawyer Breaks Down Pet Injuries During Car Wrecks
Thousands of car accidents happen every year and sadly sometimes pet injuries can be involved. Millions of Americans own pets and frequently travel with them. Americans own nearly 90 million dogs just here in the United States. When a car accident occurs pets are often injured and harmed by debris in the crash. Have you
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