Most Common Causes And What You Can Do to Avoid Them?
If you have been fortunate enough to avoid a car accident, you will probably be involved in one at some point in your life. In 2019, there were 26,121 auto accidents in the Delray Beach area ( Palm Beach County). Nearly half of those crashes caused injuries. The good news is that many accidents can be avoided if you recognize the most common causes of wrecks and do your best to learn from them in order to avoid a crash in your future.
Distracted Driving
You should not multitask while you are driving. Common sense right? If you are doing something else, then you will not be able to focus your attention on your driving. You would be amazed at how many crashes are caused by drivers who are not focused. We know there is a lot to look at on Atlantic Ave. and along A1A, but driving safely should always be the drivers main focus.
A senseless distracted driving accident recently occurred near Delray Beach in Lake Worth. A man was killed by a teenage driver, distracted by their drink spilling as they drove out of Burger King in Lake Worth. This driver ended up hitting and killing a 46-year-old man.
If you or a loved one get into a fender bender or a multi-vehicle crash and need to know what to do after a motor vehicle wreck – click here.
Anything that you do while you are driving can be considered a distraction. This includes things such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, changing your radio station and picking up things that fall on the floor.
There is a reason that speed limits exist. It is the maximum speed that experts deem you can safely drive in the given area. Palm Beach County speed limits are based on things like the type of the road ( higher speed limits on Lake Ida than George Bush Blvd., the amount of traffic in the area and sharp turns. If you speed, then you are more likely to lose control of your vehicle and crash.
Speeding can also make it harder for you to bring your vehicle to a stop. That is why it is important to always obey the speed limit. Speeding is a common issue in Boynton Beach and Delray Beach. City officials are trying to curb this problem with the ‘Drive Safe Boyton’ program. This is a program that provides a variety of solutions to reduce speeding.
Drinking And Driving
You cannot focus when you are intoxicated. Alcohol also slows down your reaction time. Even if you drink a small amount of alcohol, your driving ability can still be impacted. That is why it is a good idea for you to avoid driving if you have had any amount of alcohol. Furthermore, you do not want to drive if you are under the influence of any type of drug. Drunk driving kills and our injury lawyers have had to handle many drunk driving cases unfortunately.
Drowsy Driving
Many people will never get behind the wheel of a car if they have been drinking. However, they do not think it is dangerous to drive if they are sleepy. Drowsy driving is dangerous. If you are tired, then you should pull over and park in a safe place. Take a short nap before hitting the road again.
One thing is for certain, you need the help of a car accident lawyer if you have been hurt in a wreck. Drowsy driving, drunk driving, distracted driving and speeding are the causes of crashes and injuries that our attorneys see the most. The staff at Zappitell Law Firm is caring and compassionate and we have won many successful judgements in auto injury cases just like yours. Contact us today to learn more.