- By: David Zappitell
- Zappitell Law Firm
- Apr 6
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A study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has revealed that the most motorcycle deaths in the country during 2015-2016, occurred in the state of Florida. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, 4,486 motorcyclists lost their lives in the United States during the subject time period. The American Automobile Association (AAA) reports that of the 4,486 total motorcycle deaths, 554 were in Florida – that is 12.4% of the entire nation’s motorcycle deaths. According to AAA, this is a 23% increase from 2014, when 449 motorcyclists were killed in Florida.Additionally, the Tampa Bay Times reported that one-in-five (1 out of 5) people killed in all highway crashes in Florida, were on a motorcycle. The tri-county region of Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco alone have reported an averaged of 75 bikers killed each year, which is approximately one biker fatality every four days. (Tampa Bay Times, Author Keith Morelli.)
In Florida, where the weather and long scenic beach highways present an attraction for motorcycle riders to grace the roads, bikers have a hard time giving up their favorite pastime – it is a priceless feeling to hop on two wheels and take off into the wind with the feeling of freedom and the warm breeze. Events like Daytona Beach’s 75-year-old “Bike Week” make the Sunshine State a haven for motorcycle enthusiasts. That being said, here are a few tips for motorcycle riders in Florida – whether cruising up the Treasure Coast or gliding across the natural beauties of The Everglades:
- Wear DOT approved headgear (The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that 37% of motorcycle fatalities could have been prevented by wearing a helmet);
- Wear protective eye-wear (This will prevent bugs, dust, debris or other particles from obstructing your vision on the road);
- Wear closed-toe footwear;
- Wear padded clothing (remember – the only thing between you and the ground is your protective gear)
- Wear bright colors (Bikers should do everything possible to make themselves visible to motorists while riding. Also put reflective strips on your bike);
- Leave Room. Leave plenty of room between your motorcycle and other vehicles on the road);
- Carry sufficient insurance (make sure you have sufficient underinsured/uninsured motorist protection on your motorcycle policy); and
- Always have a ZAPPITELL LAW FIRM business card in your pocket. Call us for all of your motorcycle accident needs 561-330-6330, or visit www.florida.law
Zappitell Law Firm handles all motorcycle cases throughout the State of Florida. The attorneys at Zappitell Law Firm are in fact motorcycle enthusiasts and have a vested interest in keeping Florida highways safe for motorcycle riders. If you, your friends, or anyone you know is involved in a motorcycle accident or any motor vehicle accident, do not hesitate to call the experienced attorneys at Zappitell Law Firm.
About the Author:
Drew L. Kapneck is a trial attorney at Zappitell Law Firm. Mr. Kapneck is an active member in the South Florida legal and business community. He is member of the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce, The Palm Beach Bar Association, The Palm Beach County Justice Association, The Broward County Justice Association, The Dade County Bar Association, The Miami-Dade Trial Lawyers Association, and also a member of the Friends of The IDF of Palm Beach, Broward and Dade Counties. Mr. Kapneck has extensive experience with personal injury cases and motorcycle accident cases.
tampa bay times one in five people klilled in all highway crashes in florida motorcycle